Saturday, May 31, 2014

Message for 30/05/14 (delayed)

Thoughts on Today's Verse...

One of the powerful things about having a Bible, a repository of God's words, is that its age and varied countries and cultures remind us how enduring God's truth actually is. Yet it is God in whom we put our trust! His enduring presence through cultures, centuries, and countries reminds us that eternity is outside our grasp but the Eternal One holds us in his.

My Prayer...

O Great and Eternal God, thank you that your are more stable than the ground on which I stand, more enduring than the mountain peaks I admire, and more constant than the waves upon the oceans that I love. I trust my life and my future and soul with you. I want to please you in the way I live. I want my life to be marked by consistent faithfulness to you. In the name of Jesus I ask this prayer. Amen.
Today's Verse Illustrated

Inspirational illustration of Psalm 56:4

6.3 The Reciprocal Relationship between
the Physical Self and the Spirit Self

6.3.1 The Structure and Functions of the Physical Self

The physical self consists of the dual characteristics of the physical mind (subject partner) and the physical body (object partner). The physical mind directs the physical body to maintain the functions necessary for its survival, protection and reproduction. Instinct, for example, is an aspect of an animal's physical mind. For the physical self to grow in good health, it must have proper nourishment. It must absorb air and sunlight, which are intangible, yang types of nourishment, and must eat and drink food and water, which are tangible, yin types of nourishment. The body has give and take with this nourishment through its digestive and circulatory systems.
Good or evil in the conduct of the physical self is the main determinant of whether the spirit self becomes good or evil. This is because the physical self provides a certain element, which we call the vitality element, to the spirit self. In our everyday experience, our mind rejoices when our physical self performs good deeds but feels anxiety after evil conduct. This is because vitality elements, which can be good or evil according to the deeds of the physical self, are infused into our spirit self.

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